You’ll need to ask about the college’s methods of assessment.
For example, does it use tests or examinations, or a system of self-assessment and portfolio building, and is support available to help you with this?
As you progress in your studies, you’ll be expected to increase your clinical experience by sitting in on clinics run by experienced homeopaths, and/or by prescribing for your own patients under supervision. This may involve additional time and expense, so you’ll want to be clear at the outset what commitment is expected.
You may want to know where you can find help and resources to support your studies. Facilities, and also staff–student ratios, vary from course to course. The amount you would be expected to work alone outside of college, or find additional resources to cover the syllabus, varies too. For example, some colleges may encourage non-medically qualified students to undertake additional instruction in anatomy, physiology and pathology. Some provide such instruction; others don’t. The time allocated on the syllabus to different subject areas will inevitably differ. In some cases it may be determined by student choice, in others it will be based on an existing course plan.